
  • $25.00
Raisin, Melon, Apricot
Antioquia, Colombia. Cafelumbus Farm.
Farm Direct
Natural Process. Caturra, Colombia and Castillo.


From the Cafelumbus farm, this natural Colombia is delightfully bright yet full-bodied and can hold its own up against any single origin in the world.

When we first decided to try this coffee, PEZ was listed as one of the tasting notes. You remember PEZ dispensers? My Darth Vader one was my favorite.

Funny enough, if you look for it, PEZ is there right alongside the bright flavors of raisin, melon, and apricot. This is a beautiful coffee, one of the best single origins you'll find anywhere.

You'll enjoy this coffee is you enjoy nice things and have a taste for dried fruit.